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The diabetes breakfast breakthrough that can reverse diabetes symptoms in men and restore great sexual performance.

Men taking this diabetic breakfast are reporting that their testosterone is up an average of 38% and doctors are taking them off their diabetes medications like Metformin, Cycloset, Avandia, Actos, Januvia, insulin, and more...

Even men who are prediabetic are reporting that their blood sugar goes from an average of 118 fasting down to 95 in just a few weeks...

Even type 2 diabetics and prediabetics are reversing their diabetes with this special breakfast.

And diabetic men -- without taking any drugs -- are reporting blood sugar goes from 300 or 200, down to 95 or 100.

And this diabetes-reversing breakfast costs less than a dollar to make, and it's simple enough to fit into any man's morning routine.

The ingredients are 100% natural, safe, and very easy to buy and there are zero harmful side effects...

So you are no longer having to rely on insulin or other expensive diabetes treatments.

One student, Tom, recently wrote to me after only a few days of taking this diabetic breakfast: "All day my sugar was normal. Tested about 7 times throughout the day! A while after supper my sugar was only 67."

And another student, Ted, had type 2 diabetes for more than 20 years and was taking insulin for more than 10 years before he tried this diabetic look at him:

This morning I drank two cans of Cherry Pepsi (82 carbs). Prior to the diet I then would have taken a 10 unit shot.

I took no shot and checked my sugar every 20 minutes for 3 hours.

Starting at 150, the results were 187, 201, 185, 150, 135, 129, 123, 118.

That looks like a fairly normal curve for a non-diabetic.

For me the program is turning out to be a miracle.

With much appreciation,
Ted M.

Thanks to this diabetes-reversing breakfast, you will go to your doctor and he will look at your lab work and say, "STOP taking the pills, you don't need them anymore -- I don't know what you're doing, but whatever it is, KEEP DOING IT..."

Just like with Jim, who also took this diabetic breakfast to reverse diabetes:


As you may remember, I just got word that I am no longer a Type 2 Diabetic, so no more Metformin for me. My doc said he had no problem with me discontinuing it. I owe the great news about diabetes in large part to you, your informative article and some of the lifestyle and dietary changes I have made the last couple of years.

I feel so much more optimistic about my future as I approach 70 in late January.

Thanks and all the best,

Jim's doctor could not believe how quickly he reversed his diabetes, and he had no idea a diabetic breakfast like this one even exists...

And that's most doctors... because doctors don't have the time to read a dozen medical studies every day.

Dr. Milton Packer put it best: "In the past, physicians pretended to keep up with the medical physicians do not even pretend..."

They are seeing patients all day, everyday, and they aren't looking for a natural cure for diabetes anyway...

They are just prescribing one of Big Pharma's many treatments, even though these diabetes treatments come with terrible side effects that can shorten a man's life by decades:

Treatments to reduce blood sugar levels do more harm than good in many type 2 diabetes patients, particularly older people, finds new research from I-JCL, the University of Michigan and the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Hospital.

But it's not their fault...doctors can't be blamed for not knowing the truth about diabetes...

Because doctors are taught that high blood sugar causes they treat diabetes as a blood sugar problem...

But blood sugar is just one of the symptoms of diabetes. Blood sugar isn't the cause of diabetes.

The cause of diabetes is very well known and it isn't high blood sugar.

I looked at solid, huge and important research -- Nobel prize level research -- and I found that the real cause of diabetes is already known...

The real cause of diabetes is inflammation.

Here's how it works...

Basically, the human gut is a sewer.

It's just as simple as that -- your gut is a sewer. Undigested food is like raw sewage.

Your body has to get food, energy, and, nutrition out of this raw sewage.

But all the bacteria, all the yeast, the mold, the fungus, the toxins -- everything that is in this raw sewage -- it's all supposed to remain in your gut while only the food and nutrition enters the rest of your body.

Every day, your body keeps most of that raw sewage inside your gut, and extracts the food value from it.

But to keep the raw sewage where it belongs, your body depends upon a single layer of cells called tight junctions.

Tight junctions line the gut and keep the raw sewage inside from spilling out into the body.

I think of these tight junctions as guards, holding up their shields, keeping the raw sewage inside the gut -- so it doesn't spill out and poison the rest of the body.

Let me show you what these tight junction guard cells in the gut look like.

This is a normal person's gut lining, a person who does not have diabetes. Notice the cells lining the gut tightly in a single unbroken row:

Here is a person's gut lining, where the person DOES have diabetes:

See the difference?

The normal gut shows the cells lined up like soldiers with shields up, shoulder to shoulder, ready to fight...

...fighting to keep the raw sewage inside the gut, so it doesn't leak out into the rest of the body...

But when the gut gets inflamed, there are huge gaps in these tight junction guard cells...

And now bacteria, yeast, viruses, fungus, and toxins escape through these gaps and leak into the whole body.

It's raw sewage literally leaking out of the gut sewer and poisoning every cell throughout your entire body:

These toxins circulate and attack the pancreas, they attack the liver, they attack the kidneys, they attack the arteries, the heart, and even the erection chambers of the penis...

Now, imagine if you spilled gooey, gross waste products from the toilet all over an open wound...

As you can imagine, those gooey gross waste products would infect the wound.

And what happens to the wound that's exposed to raw sewage? The wound immediately turns red and the whole area around it gets inflamed.

This is exactly what's happening inside your body from the gut problems.

That raw sewage spills out of those tight junctions guarding the gut, and that raw sewage spreads all over your body, and it infects all the cells everywhere. So every cell gets inflamed.

And it's well known that inflamed cells do not take up sugar. Inflamed cells are unable to use sugar.

So now the sugar that you're eating piles up in your blood, raising your blood sugar...because the cells aren't able to eat that sugar, so it just piles up in your bloodstream.

So let's go through this again real quick: every cell in your body gets poisoned from the raw sewage pouring out of the inflamed gut...and that raises your blood sugar because inflamed cells don't metabolize sugar. So the sugar piles up in your blood...

And these toxins leaking out of your gut cause more health problems than just high blood sugar...

They cause kidneys to fail. They cause arteries to clog. They cause heart disease, erectile dysfunction, and stroke.

So now you can see why many diabetics also have high blood pressure, right? And why diabetics suffer obesity quite often. And prostate problems, heart problems, and erectile dysfunction.

The reason is because inflammation causes ALL of these diseases. Inflammation causes not just diabetes, but also high blood pressure, obesity, prostate problems, and heart problems.

So when you fix the inflammation, all your chronic health problems get better.

When you fix the gut, so it's not spilling out raw sewage into your body...

  • your prostate inflammation gets better
  • your heart gets better
  • your blood pressure gets better
  • your erectile dysfunction gets better

Here's an example...

As you know, high blood pressure increases the pressure inside your arteries.

And it can become dangerously high and result in a sudden burst artery, a stroke, or an embolism. High blood pressure eventually causes kidneys to fail. It gets really ugly.

And it turns out that the raw sewage from the inflamed gut attacks the cells lining your arteries.

And now your arteries get clogged up, they get stiff, and they get sick.

When your arteries get clogged up and stiff, the result is high blood pressure.

So you see, the same gut inflammation that causes diabetes, causes high blood pressure. Is all this starting to make sense to you?

And you get heart disease for the very same reason.

Because those clogged and stiff arteries aren't feeding enough blood to your heart.

And you get erectile dysfunction, because those clogged and stiff arteries aren't feeding your penis enough blood either.

In fact, the erection chambers in the penis that sustain an erection -- those chambers are lined with endothelial cells that suffer the worst inflammation from that raw sewage spilling out of your gut...

That raw sewage attacks the endothelial cells in the penis, and the penis can no longer get erect.

It's one of the leading causes of ED and can end a man's sex life prematurely.

So now you know the true cause of not just diabetes, but other problems that diabetics often share including being overweight, having erectile dysfunction, suffering high blood pressure, heart disease, and prostate problems.

And now you're probably wondering, how do you heal the inflammation that is causing all of these health problems, namely diabetes?

Luckily, this is pretty easy, thanks to the diabetic breakfast that I've developed. I needed a way to fix the gut inflammation, stop the raw sewage from spilling into the body, and fix the blood sugar problems that diabetics get...

...and I wanted my diabetic breakfast to be made from common ingredients found in your kitchen and at the health food store or on Amazon.

Inexpensive ingredients. So you're not hooked on some expensive drug or rare herb.

I knew that the right combination of ingredients would go a long way to reversing diabetes, and probably with reversing high blood pressure, prostate problems, and even heart problems as well.

So I began to think how to develop this diabetic breakfast.

I read over 1,373 medical studies, over 113 books, and I listened to endless lectures from well known biochemists, physicians, and health researchers...

...and I discovered certain vitamins, supplements, and common kitchen ingredients lower inflammation, lower blood sugar, and can actually work on a cellular level to reverse the inflammation and therefore the diabetes.

What's more, these vitamins, supplements, and common kitchen ingredients are very inexpensive -- 30 cents or less in most cases.

And I started testing them out right away...soon the kitchen looked like a chemist's laboratory and Jodi, my wife, was complaining about all my mixtures and potions taking up her kitchen counter space.

But I continued refining and testing these ingredients on myself, mixing them up, and testing them out...

And eventually, after much trial and error, I finally hit a formula for my diabetic breakfast.

My diabetic breakfast works to correct blood sugar problems, lower inflammation, and even make you smarter and live longer.

My diabetic breakfast fixes the gut and often resolves high blood sugar in just a few days.

When I drink the diabetic breakfast myself, since I'm not diabetic, I actually have to take it with a whole bunch of sugar, so that I don't get low blood sugar. It's THAT effective.

That means that if you ARE diabetic, your blood sugar will be fine with the diabetic breakfast.

And it works with very common and inexpensive ingredients you already have in your kitchen, or that you can buy at the local health food store, or online on places like

It costs thirty cents or less a day for your diabetic breakfast. So it's cheap to maintain normal blood sugar, lower chronic inflammation, and even live longer.

One of the ingredients lowers blood sugar better than Metformin, and without any side effects. It's got a history of over 100 years of safety.

Another ingredient has a long history of healing the gut lining, especially those tight junctions that get inflamed and let all that raw sewage spill out of the gut into the rest of the body.

This ingredient is super cheap. You can get it at any supermarket, or you can buy it in bulk online for $15 per pound, and you only use a small amount in the diabetic breakfast.

And another of the ingredients lowers ammonia levels in the body, and ammonia is one of the primary causes of inflammation. This ingredient is so safe, you can take huge piles of it and be totally fine.

But you only need a small amount, less than an eighth of a teaspoon in the diabetic breakfast. So a one pound bag that costs under $20 lasts for months and months.

And still another ingredient has a powerful testosterone-lifting effect, along with lowering stress hormone levels. Again, this is a safe ingredient with decades of safety studies, and a bag of it costs just $15.

In almost every case, these ingredients are so powerful that drug companies are trying to alter the molecules, so they can patent them and charge hundreds of dollars a month.

But the safest molecules are the natural ones, the ones that are normal parts of food and drinks, and not patented drug company molecules.

You can use the safe, natural ingredients and avoid the drug company's expensive patented molecules with all their harmful side effects...

My diabetic breakfast that reverses diabetes has gotten much much better over time as we've tested and refined what's in it.

I don't sell any supplements or herbs or powders. I provide you the recipe and the instructions, so you can get the rock-bottom prices on these common, safe supplements and reverse your own diabetes.

Unfortunately, my discovery comes too late for my dad who died from diabetes, but it comes just in time for my 21,262 students, and hopefully for you.

As HSK writes, "I found that my morning fasting blood glucose levels had gone from the ~110-125 range, down to the mid-60s/low 70s!" and...even if I did occasionally indulge in some alcohol and/or dessert with my dinner...the following morning my fasting BG would still be in the 60s or 70s. That's what *I* would call a cure."

My goal is to get you completely free of diabetes, so that you will throw away all your medications with your doctor's blessing.

Let me tell you how my diabetic breakfast works...

#1 - It helps heal your gut inflammation.

People with diabetes have inflammation in their gut that makes their gut different from non-diabetics:

My diabetic breakfast helps restore your gut and make it normal again, so those all-important tight junctions are no longer letting raw sewage leak out of your gut.

#2 - It lowers blood sugar to normal levels without dangerous drugs or insulin, letting you eat ice cream, pasta, pizza, and more, without guilt...

Remember, the real problem is that blood sugar is elevated because of the inflammation in the cells...

So what we do is we use a very simple proven ingredient that lowers blood sugar in minutes, safely and effectively. You'll be able to enjoy almost any foods without worry.

And this same ingredient heals the gut inflammation that causes diabetes. It costs only pennies and has over 150 years of safe use.

You can buy it at any drugstore or supermarket or online without a prescription.

#3 - It gets rid of bad fat that makes diabetes worse.

All fat is not alike.

Some fat lowers inflammation, and some fat raises inflammation. The problem is that diabetics have too much bad fat stored in their body.

I found a simple ingredient that helps your body get rid of the bad fat.

So when you use my diabetic breakfast, you'll be able to enjoy foods like pasta, steaks, pizza, and even ice cream -- good foods you thought were bad for you until now.

And you don't have to worry when you go out to restaurants because there is plenty you can order and stay on your diabetes-busting plan.

You can eat at McDonalds and still stay on the plan.

Just remember to take your diabetic breakfast during the day. You can pack it in a thermos and sip it throughout the day if you are going out of the house and won't be around.

And that also means you don't have to ask your friends and relatives to cook special for you, and you can stay on this way of eating easily.

#4 - It goes a long way to fixing atherosclerosis, heart disease, and low testosterone.

Some amazing ingredients can fix heart disease and raise testosterone.

For instance, have you heard of vitamin K2?

Vitamin K2 shortage causes problems with the penis and erections, along with heart problems, and hardening of the arteries.

Almost all men with diabetes aren't getting enough vitamin K2.

It's not enough to take supplements of Vitamin K2. You have to take the right kind of vitamin K2, and in the right ratios.

Vitamin K2 is just one of the ingredients in my diabetic breakfast that heals hardened arteries, improves your heart function, and vastly lowers blood sugar problems.

Now because you kept reading up until here, you're probably starting to want to reverse your diabetes and get your doctor to take you off all your medications.

You want the benefits of this diabetes-reversing breakfast where you can eat ice cream, burgers, and pizza, lose weight and have normal blood sugar, so your doctor will say, "stop taking those medications, you don't need them anymore."

So I put the entire diabetes-reversing recipe into my program called Diabetes Reversal.

Diabetes Reversal is totally different than anything you've ever seen and maybe you're starting to imagine how you'll use it in your own life.

Maybe you're wondering "How can I get access to Diabetes Reversal" so I can start taking this diabetic breakfast and get rid of my diabetes and health problems?

How much is it going to cost?

Is it guaranteed to work for me?

I'll answer these questions right now, but before I do, I have a question for you...

What it worth to walk out of your doctor's office having been told, "stop taking your medications, you don't need them anymore?"

What's it worth to eat pizza, ice cream, burgers, and pasta, and never have to prick your finger to test your blood sugar, or inject yourself with insulin, or take a pile of prescription pills throughout the day?

What's it worth to know that your blood pressure is normal, your sex drive is ever higher and higher, and your energy levels are through the roof?

And what's it worth to play with your grandchildren and chase them through the living room without getting tired or run down?

What's it worth to have your wife or girlfriend's eyes get big as she witnesses your vein-busting, engorged erections for maybe the first time in a long time? And have her shuddering orgasmically under you while you are deep inside her with a member that hasn't been this rigid in many years?

And what's it worth for you to feel years younger, to never be tired anymore, to not need naps, to have mental clarity and focus that you thought were decades behind you?

I know men who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on treatments for diabetes, only to get worse and worse...

No, that's not for you.

And to get your hands on the system right now, you won't pay even the $500 it costs to have to go to some clinic and get still more pills and injections.

You won't need any of that anyway.

You won't pay the $200 it costs to for a typical month's worth of medications and prescription drugs and testing paraphernalia.

You won't even pay the $100 it costs to buy a decent dinner for yourself and your woman, a dinner that isn't satisfying anyway because afterwards, in bed, you know that your penis will be flaccid no matter what happens.

I know I've been there and I don't ever intend on being there again. It's a horrible place.

When you claim your spot in our elite little brotherhood, you'll get instant access to the entire Diabetes Reversal program for just $1.00

And because you're part of the elite little brotherhood, I'm going to include some special bonus programs that you won't find anywhere else.

These are not some throwaway bonuses.

These are full programs, full courses that I've put together lovingly with endless hours of research and experimentation.

Almost all of these programs sell for more than the cost of the entire Diabetes Reversal program by itself.

You'll get to ask questions and get help anytime via email...

...and get any and all questions answered as well as individualized help, as you transform your life to have the body you had years ago, the sexual energy you had as a teenager, and the fat burning metabolism of a child.

And as long as you want to stay, you can access the rich vault of information on sex, love, and diabetes-beating, testosterone-restoring will ALWAYS be listening to these rich gems as you take the girl in your life for the ride of her life.

Never go a day without a new idea that you can put to use TONIGHT.

I think a man's sex drive and sexual energy is at the core of his being, so each of these bonus programs you'll get to try out are all around sexual techniques that you will find incredibly helpful now that you have this newfound youthful sexual ability that comes with getting rid of diabetes for men.

So if getting rid of your diabetes is important to you, if gaining a powerful sexual drive, more energy, and better performance is valuable to you, then enter your email below right now!

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